Scott Has a Fan in Hollywood

The feminist web site BlogHer is running a series of podcasts called “Letter to My Body” which is designed to inspire self-esteem, realistic body perception and open discussion on body image amongst women. Obviously it talks about being fat and the like, but today’s podcast was with actress and transgender activist, Calpernia Addams. I’m impressed that BlogHer is willing to include a male-to-female transsexual in its campaign – that’s a much more enlightened attitude than certain other feminist organizations have. But the reason that I’m writing this post is that slap in the middle of the interview Calpernia starts talking about this wonderful YA book she’s reading all about body image. Yes, you are right, it is Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. So there you have it: SF and gender in one post. Now I’m going to write to Justine and ask her to pass on the good news.

Oh, and the interview is pretty good too. The BlogHer journalist has a bunch of very on-topic questions. Calpernia kind of muffs the Autogynephilia question, and it sounds like the questions were more pointed than she was expecting, but there’s lots of good stuff in there.

2 thoughts on “Scott Has a Fan in Hollywood

  1. I kept reading your comment and reading your comment over on BlogHer, to the Addams interview, and scratching my head wondering why you were out of the blue talking about Westerfield.

    I listened to the podcast during editing and upload and once it was up, I apparently forgot all about Calpernia’s mention of The Uglies.

    I’m so glad I clicked over here to try and figure out how you were connecting the dots between Addams and Westerfield. (And I agree, everyone should take a peek at both Westerfield and his wife’s books.)

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