Indy Gets Pride

With Pride London only a couple of weeks away The Independent has run a number of LGBT-related articles.

Firstly they look at how civil partnerships have been a roaring success, despite the occasional idiot fundie protest. California please note.

Secondly there’s an article on why we still need Pride (just in case anyone thought that all of the battles had been won).

And thirdly one of interest to me about raising children in LGBT families. This was actually very encouraging:

When I started working in this field more than 30 years ago, there were assumptions about children being bullied, that the boys would be feminine and the girls would be masculine and that they would struggle with their own sexuality. And while all the evidence points to this not being the case, the same assumptions still come up today.

So sure, there are still problems, but with time we are gathering evidence that, once again, the sky is not falling.

There are several other articles in the series as well, all accessible via a helpful “related articles” box.