London and Dublin in 2014

The London Worldcon isn’t quite in the bag yet, but is pretty likely. As of yesterday it has been joined by the 2014 Eurocon, which will take place in Dublin the following weekend. Heads up, North America and Australasia, this is a trip you need to be saving up for.

7 thoughts on “London and Dublin in 2014

  1. In 1997 did the Eurocon/WFC combo. I have fond memories of Dublin. And did the usual Irish/American traipsing about. Well worth saving up for.

  2. I’ve been in Ireland a couple of times (Limerick, Galway, Dublin) for meetings and conferences – always had a great time. I’m looking forward to going back.

  3. Lots of us (20-ish) from the Croatian con-orgs took a leap of faith and have already purchased the Dublin super-cheap Kontakt membership. Looking forward to it very much.

    London, on the other hand, is already fairly expensive considering it’s still pre-vote.

    1. Unfortunately Worldcons are expensive beast to put on, having to go into expensive commercial convention space. But we’re doing our best to keep the rates down and hope the numbers that we might get in London will help us spread the fixed costs over a larger group than previous UK Worldcons. (Even though we don’t get any subvention from the city this time round) and have rates only slightly higher than they were for Interaction (the 2005 Glasgow Worldcon) and lower when you take inflation into account.

      We can’t promise this of course as it depends on the numbers. But we’re starting off the right way. Our combined Friend + voter/conversion of $140 for attending is lower than most recent Worldcons and by having our YA rates run to 26yo at the start of the convention means those of you 23 (possibly 24) or under now can get an attending membership this way for $90, or around 65 Euro/£55.

      Yes even this is more than the 25 Euro that is the current Eurocon membership and more than the current £40 student membership for the 2014 Eastercon . But then Eurocon/Eastecons are smaller and run for around 50/75 hours from start to finish. The Worldcon will offer many more things to do and run for around 100 hours.

      This is sounding like a promo, and I didn’t mean it to, but when you say Worldcon is fairly expensive, please bare in mind what you get, and comparing any convention with another cannot be done of price alone. And hey it’s not a commercial media SF convention that have ticket prices up to £2,999 for a three day convention.

  4. I’m so excited! A Eurocon half-an-hour away from my house! 😀
    If anyone checking this thread is interested in reading work by Irish SF&F authors before the big event, here’s a free ebook our annual national convention Octocon assembled featuring a half-dozen of Ireland’s best and brightest.

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