The latter part of last year turned into a total disaster, schedule-wise. If I make any resolutions for 2014 they will all involve not over-committing myself as much in future. That is, of course, easier said than done.
I try not to make promises about when books will be ready until I am pretty certain that they will be ready then. Having said that, I have been doing some work over the Holidays to try to catch up while things are quiet.
Most importantly, the copy for Airship-Shaped & Bristol Fashion has been formatted and is ready to go off to Joe, our book designer, as soon as he’s back from his vacation. It will be a relief to get that one out of the door.
In addition I have Apocalypse Array, the final volume of Lyda Morehouse’s AngeLINK series, assembled and ready for corrections. That takes a while as there will be a huge number of scanning errors to fix, but progress has been made.
I’ve spent time yesterday and working on another book project that I’m very excited about, but can’t tell you about yet.
There will, of course, be more books from Juliet McKenna, but she’s still in the midst of family Christmas so I need to wait for her to surface before I can promise anything.
And then there’s the more speculative stuff, that I really should do something about, especially as I was talking to people about both books at World Fantasy. Less blogging, more work.