Fame at Last?

For some reason friend requests are coming in to my Facebook account in a fairly steady stream, mainly from people whose names I don’t recognize. I’m not sure why this is. Maybe they are former Emerald City readers who are discovering that I’m still alive. Maybe they are from the legions of Doctor Who fans that Paul Cornell told to tune in to my Hugo ceremony live blog (thanks again Paul!). Or maybe they are people I have met at cons but can’t remember because I’m slipping into senile dementia. Whatever reason, if any of those people happen to be reading this, thank you very much, and welcome!

In an entirely unrelated development, this morning I noticed a blog post in which an angry Republican was listing those people whose books he or she would not buy because they were raving left wing loonies, and my name was on the list! If I can just manage to find a Democrat who is refusing to buy my books because I’m an evil capitalist monster I will know that I’ve made it. (And it will mean that I don’t have to write any books because no one will buy them.)

2 thoughts on “Fame at Last?

  1. Tease! I want a link to the “angry Republican … listing those people whose books he or she would not buy because they were raving left wing loonies”.

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