US Election Quiz Web Site

Via Lynne Kiesling at Knowledge Problem I have discovered Glassbooth, a web site that purports to help me decide who to vote for, if indeed I had a vote in the US Presidential elections. To my surprise it tells me that I should vote for Ralph Nader, which of course would be stupid. However, looking at the numbers, I find myself more generally in agreement with Obama than anyone else. With Nader it is more a case of some positions lining up perfectly and others not much at all. More digging suggests to me that the web site is being kind to Obama on his economic policies, but that level of detail is probably akin to nit-picking the questions on an internet meme so I’ll stop there.

One thought on “US Election Quiz Web Site

  1. I usually end up with Kucinich on quizzes like that one (because they no longer offer me Bobby Kennedy, who, outside of John Edwards, is really the last politician I totally grokked…) — but really, the issue for any voter *should* be “of those with a REAL shot at the white house, who will you vote for?” Because voting for Nader isn’t saying any damn thing beyond “I’m not a realist” or “I hate ’em all.” While that might be true, if you’re going to participate in this kind of democratic republic, it makes sense to vote for the least dangerous (or the one you actually like is s/he is actually a contender) and vote locally for more and more of those you *really* like. Change (especially of a country this size) comes slowly and running around screaming “they’re both evil,” (which may be true from a specific point of view), doesn’t really help put forward any agenda.

    It just lets the worst guys win. And really, after the last 8 years, we all know what *that* looks like, don’t we?

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