The San Francisco Chronicle is trying to predict the result of the next Gubbernatorial race by looking at the Facebook popularity of leading candidates. The race currently look like this:
- Jerry Brown: 700
- Gavin Newsome: 25,000
- Steve Poizner: 80
Inspired by this they then went on to look at other major political figures:
- Barak Obama: 5.2 million
- Sarah Palin: 491,000
- Vladimir Putin: 29,500
- Gordon Brown: 3,399
Poor Gordon. Nobody loves him these days.
For comparison, here are a few other notable public figures who have fan pages:
- Neil Gaiman: 48,196
- Bruce Springsteen: 221,899
- The Flying Spaghetti Monster: 36,701
Rumors that David Cameron is to off the Flying Spaghetti Monster a place in his shadow cabinet are being hotly denied by Conservative Party headquarters.
It sounds like David would be better off trying to woo Springsteen.
Personally, I still think that the Muffinometer remains the most accurate poll predictor in the UK.
Somehow I think that Bruce has entirely the wrong sort of blue collar for the Tories, even Cameron’s Tories.
I think Gavin has so many peeps because he’s pretty.
My money is on the Spaghetti Monster.