Attention Scandinavia – Otto Frello Exhibit

If you happen to be anywhere near Copenhagen or Varde this summer there’s an art exhibition you may want to see. It celebrates the 85th birthday of Otto Frello (site in Danish) whose art I discovered when I was at Eurocon last year because Klaus Mogensen had a print of this on his wall.

Otto Frello art

The picture is a bit small to see all of the wonderful fine detail, but click through for a bigger version. You may find some familiar figures. I spent a long time just exploring the picture. An entire Frello exhibition would probably take me all day to get through. The exhibit will be at Helligaandshuset in Copenhagen until June 1, then it moves to the Museum in Varde from June 13 until September 27. Full details (in Danish) here.

Many thanks to Jannie Shea of ASFA for telling me about this.

Posted in Art

2 thoughts on “Attention Scandinavia – Otto Frello Exhibit

  1. I’ve seen an album a while back that had a few reproductions of Frello’s works. Amazing artist with great talent. I wish I could attend this exhibition, but it is difficult for me unfortunately. Come to thing it is sad that my town doesn’t have any art exhibitions almost at all.
    Thank you Cheryl for the post and link 🙂

  2. There are two books of Otto Frello’s fantasy work. I believe the older one is out of print but the newer one ( which was published in 2004) is still available. If anyone is interested in having a copy of the most recent book ( it’s the most extensive) please contact me privately at alyconart at yahoo dot com. Please put “Otto Frello” in the subject line.

    Some very nice posters (including the one Cheryl saw in Klaus’ apartment) and notecards are also available. But nothing surpasses the originals. Otto enjoys hiding things in his paintings. For example, the original of the image posted here has butterfiles that move.

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