Some of you may have noticed that I have not talked about books much of late (aside from the Amazon – Macmillan war). Also the “currently reading” section in the sidebar has not seen any turnover in two months. This is not a mistake, I really haven’t been reading very much of late.
Part of this is due to the Wii. I’m devoting an hour or two each day to trying to get a bit fitter. It is a slow and painful process, but in the long run it will eat much less of my time than long walks, fun though the latter are.
Part of it is also due to the iPhone. It is just too easy to do my blog reading in bed rather than read a book.
But none of that is any excuse for the fact that I have three novels sat on my desk awaiting review, or at least comment. They are all really good books as well. Yes, I’m totally swamped with other things, but I’m having trouble getting motivated to write about books. I suspect that’s partly because I’m so fed up of the endless blog discussions about what makes a “good” review. It has got to the stage where book reviewing is more difficult than picking up the social etiquette for an ancient imperial court. No matter what you say, someone is going to tut tut about how you are doing it wrong.
I guess I’ll get over it eventually, but I need to be less tired first. Or I need a break. I’ll be in London for a couple of days next week. Maybe that will help.
My dear chum, at times like this as others question my reviewing or those I edit (had recent run in with head of a small graphic novel publisher for so-so review had to re-iterate trying to support books doesn’t equate to automatic good reviews to please publishers), I look back to Classical antiquity and the first great scholars. I ask what Socrates or Plato would do. And they say bugger ’em, write what you think is right and cobblers to ’em if they don’t like it don’t stick their heads above the parapet.
Oh, if I cared about what people thought of my reviews I would have slit my wrists years ago. I’m just finding it hard to see the point. The web is drowning in book reviews and the only way one ever gets noticed is if it becomes a target for a “how not to review” rant.