Having a lot of online friends, I get asked to support a lot of different causes. One of those I signed up for was the case of Prossy Kakooza, a lesbian woman who had fled Uganda for Britain after being very badly treated by the Ugandan authorities, and by her own family. The Home Office, in its stupid, bureaucratic way, wanted to send her back. So there was a campaign to get her asylum in the UK, and a court case. That case was heard on Friday, and the result is that Prossy will be allowed to stay in Britain. And there is one further twist to the story. The campaign to help Prossy stay in the UK was organized by the Metropolitan Community Church of Manchester. So congratulations to Prossy, and a very warm Thank You! to the Reverend Andy Braunston and his congregation, who clearly understand a lot more about love than certain “Christians” I could mention.