Listening to the new Galactic Suburbia podcast today, I was alerted to this post by Diana Peterfreund which makes some very valid points about how internet controversies play out. It isn’t just that a link to something really good elicits a yawn, while a link to something atrociously offensive gets a clicking frenzy. Even when you get a controversy that plays out, results in changing how people think, and produces something really good, that good thing may then sink without trace.
I can certainly back this up. The anthology controversy that Diana refers to in the article was all over my in box for days. I never heard a peep about the final book, nor that sales of it would be benefiting a charity for homeless LGBT youth. And I’ve checked my archives for the Outer Alliance mailing list. The book, Brave New Love, is a YA anthology of romances set in dystopian worlds, so absolutely on target as far as current marketing trends go. It is edited by Paula Guran, so the quality should be very good. Worth checking out, I think.
Yes, I don’t think anyone has read my story in BNL… or posted about it.