
The Australian shop in Covent Garden charges a ridiculous amount for a packet of TimTams. However, it is one of the few places in the UK I know that I can definitely buy TimTams. They are probably bad for me. I’m addicted.

4 thoughts on “Addiction

  1. I order a CASE of Tim Tams every year in November. Why, yes, I AM addicted.

    But like all good little addicts, I ruthlessly enjoy introducing others to the joy and pain that is loving something SO bad for you…that you also can only indulge in through the auspices of mail-order. I give away a package of them along with a nice box of hot-chocolate and instruction on how to slam them (you know how to do this, yeah?) to VERY good friends for the holidays.

    I am a very popular girl in December.

    Have you tried the Tia Maria’s? Fabulous.

  2. Cost Plus does indeed carry TimTams, though last I was in my local branch they only had the standard variety. But I have another four weeks before I’ll be back in CA.

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