Attention Cambridge – Coming Your Way

Apparently I have ideas. Or at least they think so in Cambridge, because I have been invited to give a talk at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas. It will be called “Challenging the gender binary through science fiction and fantasy”, and the details are Saturday 31 October: 3:00pm – 4:30pm at Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, CB1 1PT. Full details (including a photo by the inimitable Henry Soederlund) can be found here.

The smart people among you will see the reference to Anglia Ruskin and twig that Farah Mendlesohn is involved in this somehow. Indeed, it was all her idea, and she persuaded the University to put forward the proposal to the Festival. Also the event will actually be me in conversation with Farah, rather than an hour and a half of me blathering on. The Festival website seems to have lost this vital piece of information.

Anyway, huge thanks to Farah for getting me this opportunity, and I look forward to seeing some of you in Cambridge for Hallowe’en. Do I need to bring a costume?

Oh, and that title — totally chosen to fool any TERFs who might have a hand in the process that the talk had nothing to do with us awful trans people. Boy are they in for a shock.