AussieCon 4 Masquerade

One of the things announced at yesterday’s Closing Ceremonies was that the convention-s co-Fan GoH, Catherine Scholz, has accepted the post of Masquerade Director at AussieCon 4. Catherine and her husband, Steve, have not traveled much, so they are unlikely to be well known to costumers outside Australia, but having seen them in action here I can assure people that they are very fine costumers. The announcement also means that the masquerade is going to be staged by members of the Australian Costumers’ Guild, which is excellent news.

By way of a statement of credentials, here’s a photo of Catherine I took this weekend (with apologies for not giving her time to steampunk the cellphone).

Catherine Scholz

Catherine and Steve can’t afford to go to Montreal, but two of their friends from Adelaide, who have also been good friends of mine for many years, Medge & Bean, will be there. Hopefully they can answer any questions that costumers have about the A4 Masquerade.

Medge and Bean

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