The new Ian McDonald novel isn’t actually out for about a month, but he has been on Coode Street to talk about, and I wanted my review live today so that I can talk about it on the panel tonight. Yes, Ian has done interesting things with sexuality and gender in this book too. My review is a little spoilery, but I don’t think there’s anything much worse that what Ian has already said to Jonathan & Gary. I very much enjoyed the book, and am looking forward with excitement to future volumes, and with some trepidation to the TV series. You can find my review here.
I do hope that people take notice of this book. There are a lot of people out there asking for more diversity in SF&F. That’s a good thing. There are also people trying to deliver, but those asking for diversity often tend not to see it if it isn’t written by a woman and published as YA. I can understand why, but we need this diversity and we shouldn’t ignore any of it.