That’s my travel done again for a whole 5 days. What have I achieved?
Well, the word on BristolCon is that we would like to do it again, but there are issues to be addressed, most importantly with the hotel which may be a bit upscale for a convention. The plan is to do a full day next time, rather than just an afternoon. If anyone would like to get involved, you know who to ask.
BICS was not particularly inspiring, but I did get my signed copy of Grandville and I did get to hang out with folks like Paul Cornell, Liam Sharp, Terry Martin, Tony Lee, Barry and Dave from Geek Syndicate and so on. Unexpectedly I also had a long chat with Damien G Walter, who I hadn’t thought I would see there. Dan Boultwood was, I think, a little worse for wear (again) but he was vertical. He and Tony were judging the CosPlay. I would have liked to be a fly on the wall for that.
Grandville is fabulous. Review to come.
I’ve also been reading Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods which is much better than I had expected.
And now I have a mountain of email to attend to.
My friend Chris was there today and left somewhat unwowed. I’ll be there tomorrow, of course.
Hope your talk went well today.
It appears that I missed out on (or possibly escaped) an epic drinking session last night.