No sign of a government u-turn as yet, so here’s my schedule for BristolCon. First up I am on this:
Panel Room 2: 13:00 – We’ve been ret-conned again!
Does the body of work always belong to the author, or can it be removed from them and become a readership property? From film directors issuing recuts, reworkings, removing originals from print, to the issues of author bigotry the panel discusses who truly owns a work of fiction once it’s been published and who controls it’s authority
Cheryl Morgan, S. Naomi Scott, R B (Rosa) Watkinson, Justin Lee Anderson , Kevlin Henney (M)
And then I am moderating this:
Panel Room 1: 16:00 – Why is there no democracy in epic fantasy?
The genre is still in thrall to the lure of kings and queens and dynastic power, let alone the Chosen One who’s just plain better than you. Where is the voice of the people and the emergence of democracy?
Adrian Tchaikovsky, Juliet E McKenna, Kate Macdonald, Justin Lee Anderson , Cheryl Morgan (M)
Both panels look like being a lot of fun. The rest of the time I will be in the Dealers’ Room. See some of you there.