OK, who’s up to speed on their fundamental particles? No, OK, here’s a bit of background.
Baryons are particles that are made up of three quarks. The most famous are the proton, made from two Up quarks and one Down quark, and the neutron, made from one Up quark and two Down quarks.
But quarks come in six flavors: Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charm. Which, of course, leaves the way open for all sorts of entertainingly different baryons. My favorite is the omega minus baryon (Ω−), which is made of three Strange quarks. But the odd things about baryons is that no one has ever seen one containing a Bottom quark: until now.
So congratulations to Fermilab for their clever data mining. Here’s hoping they manage to find even more types of baryons. The world would be a boring place if we could not find a baryon with three bottoms.