Plus ça change…

1987: Ellen Kushner publishes Swordspoint. As Tansy Rayner Roberts notes in the latest Galactic Suburbia podcast, it has become notorious because it is a “fantasy” novel with no actual magic in it. That was apparently revolutionary at the time.

2012: “A Small Price to Pay for Birdsong” by K.J. Parker wins Best Novella in the World Fantasy Awards. In the latest Coode Street Podcast Jonathan Strahan notes that the story has attracted criticism because it is a “fantasy” story with no actual magic in it.

I guess some people enjoy having something to get a bee in their bonnets about, but personally I am very bored of arguments about genre purity.

Anticopernicus on The Writer & The Critic

I’m still catching up with podcasts from the past two weeks. The latest episode of The Writer & The Critic sees Kirsten and Mondy embark on a two-part exploration of self-published books. I’m pleased to see that they are including two books that I have in the store. Next month they’ll be looking at Paintwork by Tim Maughan, but this month they took on Anticopernicus by Adam Roberts.

I’m delighted to hear that they liked it. Also they found some really interesting online discussion of the issues raised in the story. At just 86 pence, Anticopernicus is really good value.

And Podcast

Well that was a great day out. And the folks at Ujima are very quick getting their podcasts online. You can find my main appearance here. I start about 15 minutes in. And when Paulette discovered that I publish ebooks she asked me back for a brief segment in her second hour, starting around 35 minutes in to this recording. I think I did OK, though I really must remember to mention bi people more often.

What really got me excited about the day, however, is that Ujima has launched a project called Sounds Reads. It is backed by the Lottery and Bristol Libraries, it is a project to encourage reading amongst immigrant communities in the city. There will, of course, be a particular emphasis on young people. Some of you are going to get emails from me about this. There’s a short segment starting 17 minutes into the second show with three guys talking about the problem of getting boys to read. (And some slightly dubious stuff about gender that I’ll talk to Pauline about later.)

Coode Street: Best / Not Best

Thanks to Gary and Jonathan, and their special guest Paul Kincaid, for another fascinating podcast. This week they discussed Paul’s LA Review of Books essay, “The Widening Gyre”, and his concern that the SF field is in a state of exhaustion.

Like Paul, I prefer books that provide a great deal of mental stimulation. However, I don’t share his distress, possibly because I have lower expectations. I’m well aware of the fact that my literary tastes are elitist and not shared by the majority of readers. I don’t expect commercially-focused publishers to always cater to my tastes, though I’m pleasantly surprised when they do.

Paul’s particular beef is with Best of the Year anthologies, a type of book that I have very little interest in (sorry Jonathan). That’s because I recognize them for what they are: a commercial operation intended to encourage readers to pay for collections of short fiction. The idea that one editor’s picks, constrained by commercial necessity, will ever accurately represent the “best” of the year is frankly silly. The best we can hope for is that such a book will provide a reasonable snapshot of the state of the field.

Of course some people will then complain that such books should not be called “Best”, and in a world free of marketing imperatives they would not. However, complaining about this is a bit like complaining that the contestants in a TV talent show appear to have been picked because of their eccentric personalities or their desperate desire for fame, not their actual mastery of their craft. And it will get you about as far.

I’m therefore perfectly happy to acknowledge that no “best of the year” anthology actually contains the best stories of the year. I only raise my eyebrows when people complain that a “year’s best” book is bad because it contains the “wrong” stories, and if it had included a different set of stories it would indeed deserve to be called the best of the year. That’s totally missing the point.

The boys also got to talking about awards, and appear to have forgotten that the romance community is far worse at slapping itself on the back than we are (though quite possibly it does it for the same reasons). I’m not a big fan of proliferation of awards, and certainly not of the idea of adding new awards because you think that the existing ones are “wrong”. Where I like to see new awards is where they can draw attention to works that might otherwise be ignored. I’m fond of awards like the Tiptree, the Carl Brandons and the Translation Awards.

It should be noted, however, that not all awards are the same. Each one has its own method of deciding on a winner, and its own eligibility rules. I find the different results produced by these different methodologies to be fascinating.

I’m happy to agree with Jonathan and Paul that the primary benefit of awards is to provide an excuse to talk about books. I’m delighted when my friends win with good books, and try not to become despondent or angry when I don’t like the results. I also try to ignore the seemingly endless accusations that particular awards are “broken” or “fixed”. Such things seem to be an inevitable part of the process. The one thing that really confuses me is when people complain that the Hugos produce winners that are really poor quality, and then go on to say that the results would be much better if far more people voted. Oh dear me no.

Like Paul, Jonathan and Gary, I would love to see more really good books and stories. How we get them is another matter. We are in the middle of a pretty nasty recession right now, so I don’t expect the major publishers to have much appetite for risk taking. But I will continue to check out what the more adventurous small presses are producing, and if I spot anything I like I’ll bring it to your attention. I will not expect all of you to share my tastes.

Shout Out Podcasts Live

Mary the Producer must have been working very hard yesterday, because all of the podcasts from Saturday’s marathon at the Shout Out Bristol radio show are now live. I am in both hours of the “Out and About” show. I’m about 40 minutes into the first hour, and 25 minutes into the second. I’ve just listened to the first one and it sounded OK (much relief). It has plugs for Patrick Ness, Melissa Scott, Lethe Press, Aqueduct Press and BristolCon. And you get to find out which song I chose.

There’s also a lot of other good material. I want to listen to the “God Loves Gays” show. Also my friend Dru Marland was on earlier in the day, though I’m not sure when. And of course I want to listen to Natalie’s show which is all about getting dolled up for a party. The poor girl had to spend hours in a beauty salon “for research”.

Semiprozine – It’s Not That Hard

Listening to the Coode Street Podcast today, I noticed that Jonathan had completely misunderstood the nature of the changes to the semiprozine category. I’ve left a comment on his blog, but I figured it might be helpful to post it here as well, because I suspect that many other people are also confused.

Here’s the easy version.

If no money changes hands then it is a fanzine.

If the contributors get paid but the staff of the magazine do not, then it is a semiprozine.

If the staff of the magazine get paid then it is professional.

For those who are still confused, here’s some elaboration.

The basic fan ethic is that you do what you do for the love of it, not to make money. The only “payment” fans should expect for what they do is that fans who benefit from their work should also do things on a volunteer basis to pay back for all of the free stuff they have received from others.

However, as with all artistic activity, not all creativity is commercial. Our writers need money to support them. Fans can help by creating publishing companies and magazines that take in money to pay the writers, and cover costs. Provided that the fans themselves don’t take payment, they are still operating within the fan ethic.

If, on the other hand, the staff of the magazine get paid, then clearly they are running the magazine as industry professionals and should be judged as such.

There are, of course, inevitable wrinkles and complications, because real life is not as simple as award rules, but the above outlines the basic principles on which the split is based.

On The Radio

This coming Saturday my good friends at Shout Out radio in Bristol have an all-day show in addition to their usual one-hour Thursday evening slot. I have been invited to appear on the “Out and About” show with Mary and Ben. I’ll be talking mainly about science fiction and fantasy: LGBT writers, Wizard’s Tower, and BristolCon. I believe that I’ll also be taking part in a later, more general session discussing the latest LGBT news stories, but I’m not sure when that will be.

Shout Out shows are usually archived online so that you can listen to them later at your leisure. I’m pretty sure that will happen with these shows as well, so West Coast people don’t need to get up early to listen to me.

Shout Out flier

Motherhood and Trans: A Strange Parallel

I was listening to the new Galactic Suburbia podcast this morning and heard Tansy enthusing about a story called “Foundlings” by Diana Peterfreund. It is an SF tale about a future in which teens who get pregnant are disappeared by society. That’s not really SF, of course, it is exactly what often happened to unmarried women who got pregnant for much of the 20th Century. Their children were put up for adoption, and they were consigned to lunatic asylums, sometimes for life. But that isn’t what Tansy was talking about.

As a relatively recent mother, Tansy is only too well aware of how much pressure is put on pregnant women by the media. “You must do these exercises, you must eat these foods, otherwise your baby will be damaged and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT!” This isn’t by any means new. And it doesn’t stop once you have given birth. There are plenty of people queuing up to explain to you why you are a Bad Mother for failing to follow the latest child rearing fad. And most of the people who do this policing are other women. They would know, right?

Then it hit me that this is exactly what happens with trans women. As soon as you start to transition you get besieged by people eager to tell you that you are Doing It Wrong. And many of those people who get on your case are other trans women.

The explanation is the same in both cases. If something the women do is being heavily policed, people become so desperate for approval that they are only too willing to assist the process by dumping on anyone that doesn’t do that activity the same way that they do.

So: sisterhood. It is OK to be different. Enough with the policing of behavior.

More Podcasting

Today I caught up with the latest episode of The Writer and The Critic (with special guest Jonathan Strahan). Again I’m late. My excuse is that the darn thing is well over 2 hours long. Fortunately you don’t have to listen to all of it. The first half hour is given over to discussion of some sort of Internet blow-up that appears to have resulted from people misinterpreted something I wrote in a blog post. You don’t need to listen to that. Then there’s some discussion of Galveston by Sean Stewart (which I didn’t like much when I read it, but should probably revisit if only I had the time), and Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor, which I definitely want to read. Most of the last hour is given over to discussion of The Drowning Girl by Caitlín R. Kiernan, and quite right too. In my not-so-humble opinion it is best book I have read thus far this year.

Of course that is only my opinion, and while I do think I am a reasonably good judge of literary quality, I recognize that people don’t always judge a book by the same standards that I use. Lots of people absolutely loathe books with unreliable narrators, or books that they can’t neatly pigeonhole into one genre or another. There is some discussion of this in the podcast.

One issue that Kirstyn raises is that works by women writers that contain some autobiographical elements are often dismissed out of hand because of that, whereas works by men that are similarly autobiographical are widely praised. She cites the furor that greeted Cat Valente’s story, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at Space/Time”, as an example. Mondy, because one of his functions on the podcast is to play the clueless, sexist male, asked for examples of stories by men getting praise, and Kirstyn provided a few, but what immediately sprang into my mind is the fact that the archetypal plot for a LitFic novel is that of a middle-aged literature professor with an unhappy marriage who has an affair with a student. I suspect that a lot of those are either autobiographical or wish-fulfillment. And of course the reason this happens is that for far too many people the course of men’s lives is a matter of supreme importance, whereas the course of women’s lives is irrelevant. Give the sort of social structures we’ve had in recent history, it is hardly surprising that people think that way.

Discussion of how others might see the book moved inevitably on to discussion of its chances in awards. Mondy, bless him, is still hung up on the daft notion that if a book is really good then it should win all the awards. If that was the case there would be no point in having multiple awards. I can’t see The Drowning Girl appearing on the Hugo or Nebula ballot, though I’ll be voting for it in the Hugos. Those awards simply don’t favor this sort of book. I do expect it to appear on the Shirley Jackson Award ballot, as it is very much their sort of thing. It has been suggested to the Tiptree jury, but I think they are far more likely to go for something like Beyond Binary or 2312 where gender is more central to the book. As for World Fantasy, I’d love to see it there, but juries can be capricious. It won’t win the popular vote, and one of the three jury slots will doubtless be taken by Graham Joyce’s Some Kind of Fairy Tale. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, but I’m bearing in mind that Deathless didn’t make this year’s ballot, which is a travesty if ever there was one.

Finally I’d like to address Jonathan Strahan’s comments about the trans elements of the book. Jonathan says he’d like to see more work discussing why trans people do what they do, because he and other cis people find it so very hard to understand. Now Jonathan is a good friend, so I know he’s approaching this with the best of intentions, but what trans people tend to hear when faced with requests like that is, “I think you are crazy, I demand that you justify yourself”, which is one reason why we don’t write about it much.

Another reason is that there’s not a lot to say. Jay Lake did a great blog post a few years back in which he asked cis people to justify their gender (without reference to their biology). It’s not easy. You just are who you are. A good illustration of the issue comes up in a recent BBC radio show on philosophy. The program focuses on a well known philosophical problem known as “Theseus’ Ship”. The idea is that Theseus has a ship which is so old, and has been repaired so often, that not one of the original timbers remains: is it the same ship?

One of the guests on the program is my friend Cathy Butler (whom I’m sure Jonathan knows as well). She’s a trans woman, and she makes the point that since her transition many people have told her that she has become a “different person”. Indeed, some people claim that the “person she used to be” is now “dead”. That’s an excuse that families often use for ostracizing trans relatives. But, Cathy says, as far as she’s concerned, she’s still the same person. I’d go further than that. For many trans people, post-transition we are still exactly the same person, with the exception that we no longer have to be habitual liars. Surely that makes us better people?

So I’m not sure, Jonathan, that I can give you an explanation. I am who I am. So are Cathy and Caitlín and all of the other trans people you know. All we can do is ask you to accept that we are being honest about ourselves and accept that we feel the way we do, much as you might accept someone’s word if they say that they are color-blind, or can “feel” a phantom limb after an amputation, or any of the other odd things that our bodies and minds do to us.

Podcast Recommendation – SF Crossing the Gulf

I’ve been catching up with the first two episodes of a new podcast from SF Signal. It is called SF Crossing the Gulf, and it features two friends of mine: Karen Burnham (of the Locus Roundtable) and Karen Lord (author of the multiply-awarded Redemption in Indigo). I’m really enjoying it.

It won’t be for everyone, however. They do serious literary analysis, even more so than The Writer and the Critic. If you are the sort of person who hates spoilers, or who thinks that critics “read things into the story that aren’t there” then this is not for you. If, on the other hand, you love in-depth discussion of interesting books, then you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Plus you get all those Caribbean background noises. Wildlife, I love it. 🙂

Podcasty Goodness

In the latest Locus Roundtable podcast Karen Burnham conducts a fascinating interview with Anil Menon and Vandana Singh in which they talk, amongst other things, about the large amount of science fiction and fantasy written in India that is largely unknown outside of the country because it is written in various local languages and only published in India. Hopefully we’ll be getting to read some of that in English soon.

Talking of India, on my way to and from Finncon I read Samit Basu’s fine debut novel, Turbulence. This is a story about Indian superheroes. It is delightfully different, and a lot of fun. There will be a review coming soon.

Meanwhile, back on the podcasts, the latest Outer Alliance episode contains an interview with the very wonderful Elizabeth Hand. Liz talks very openly about her latest book, Radiant Days, about the influence of Patti Smith on her writing, about Rimbaud, and about some very personal stuff as well. As Julia Rios notes, Liz has always had LGBT characters in her work. That reminds me that I should thank Liz for Waking the Moon again.

On The Radio

As Twitter followers will know, I was on Bristol Community Radio today. A few weeks ago I was honored to be asked to help interview Livvy James, an 11-year-old trans girl who had been hounded by the UK media. This was part of the Shout Out Bristol show. You can find the whole program here. There is some news stuff first, but a large proportion of the middle of the show is given over to the interview.

My thanks to Mary the Producer for inviting me onto the show, and to Livvy and her mum, Saffy, for being such amazing people.

(Please note: if you come to this post more than a week after it was posted then you will need to scroll down on the Shout Out page. They don’t provide direct links to individual shows.)

Coode Street Follow-Up

I have managed to listen to the latest Coode Street, in which Gary & Jonathan return to the question of gender balance in SF. A few quick points are in order.

Firstly, I was very happy with the way Jonathan & Gary pulled themselves back from saying something silly the previous week. Podcasts are hard, because you can’t edit what you say, or clarify if a listener doesn’t understand, but they do a good job of watching each other.

I suspect that Gary is right in saying that women do not write the sort of emotionless SF that was popular decades ago. Male writers don’t write it much these days either. That wasn’t my point.

Also I spotted N.K. Jemisin on Twitter complaining that you shouldn’t say a work is “not fantasy” just because it has consistent world-building. That’s quite right, but also isn’t addressing my point. I’m not interested in fan debates over whether SF or fantasy is “better” or “more intellectual” or whatever. All I’m interested in is whether the gender of the author influences whether a work is regarded as science fiction or fantasy, because if it does that has implications for the whole “women don’t write SF” discussion.

And finally, you can’t disprove a point like that by pointing to examples of women who are accepted as SF writers. Of course there are many of them. Some of them write very hard SF. But I’m interested in the ones in the middle, the ones where there is some doubt as to how their work should be classified.

Coode Street, Campbell & Gender

In the latest Coode Street Podcast Jonathan and Gary ruminate on the nominees for this year’s John W. Campbell Memorial Award, and the consistent lack of female writers in that list over the years.

Part of this, I suspect, is that the Campbell jury sees so little change. As you’ll see from the award’s website, it is pretty much the same group of people ever year. If you change the jury every few years then inevitably there will be a few years in which results don’t go the way people might like, but equally if you hardly ever change them then there’s a danger that the jury will become set in its ways and reward the same type of books over and over again. That, in the current environment, means books by old, white men.

However, Gary touched on something interesting during the podcast when he mentioned that books by women tend to be less scientifically rigorous. Jonathan, quite rightly, chastised him for assuming that the award was for “hard SF”, and pointed out that many male SF writers are equally lacking in rigour. But they never quite got to the end of that line of reasoning.

How we classify books as “science fiction” or “fantasy” does change down the years. Back in the early days of Worldcon all sorts of things that nowadays we see as fantasy would have been called SF. That’s why fantasy has always been assumed to be part of the Hugos. The rise of fantasy as a marketing phenomenon has changed all that. It affects men too. One of the abiding mysteries of SF marketing is why Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun appears in the Fantasy Masterworks series, when it is so clearly set in a far future and the series is based around a real astronomical phenomenon. But these days classification issues appear to affect women disproportionately.

I’m firmly convinced that one of the reasons we see fewer women science fiction writers these days is because if a man writes an SF book that contains some fantastical elements it still tends to be seen as SF, but if a woman does the same it gets categorized as fantasy. I would argue, for example, that Debris by Jo Anderton would be seen as SF had it been written by a man. There is a good chance that The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells would too. I’m sure that some people argue that Kameron Hurley’s books are “really” fantasy. Or there’s Nnedi Okorafor’s Who Fear’s Death, which is very clearly set in the future yet won the World Fantasy Award.

I find it hard to solely blame publishers for this. After all, they have to sell books, and if bookstores won’t stock SF by women, or readers won’t buy it in sufficient numbers, they need to react. Currently they are doing so quite successfully by slapping a YA label on SF by women. It’s all a game of smoke and mirrors.

However, when it comes to an award like the Campbell that requires a jury to make a decision as to whether a book is science fiction or not, then such issues come to the forefront. In the case of the Campbell I suspect this might be a question that the jury should talk about.

Kirstyn And Mondy Do Gender

I appear to be all over the latest Writer & Critic podcast. I did my usual trick of helping out Aussie podcasters with the specifics of the Hugo rules, but also one of the books they review this month is The Courier’s New Bicycle. Naturally a lot of discussion of gender ensues.

I suspect that some of my more shouty gender activist friends will a bit annoyed by the discussion. That’s partly because we have two cis-people struggling with the idea of someone who is neither male nor female, and partly because being the well-meaning but often politically incorrect Aussie Male is party of Mondy’s schtick on the show. Personally, because I know both of them, I’m prepared to make allowances, and am pleased to hear them trying hard to get their heads, and their tongues, around the issue.

Let’s face it, I struggle with pronouns at times. Occasionally Roz has to kick me. Very few of us are (yet) perfect, and as Kirstyn notes that’s partly because there is no commonly accepted set of gender-neutral pronouns in English. So, for example, I try hard to respect the wishes of people who wish me to use “they” rather than “he” or “she”, but my inner grammar checker screams blue murder every time it sees me mix singular and plural.

I might complain about their pronunciation of “Salisbury”, but as Sal is Australian and they are Australian I have to allow that they may be pronouncing it the way that the characters in the book would.

Anyway, they both really enjoyed the book, which makes me very happy. Also there are no major spoilers. So if you are interested in the book, please do give the podcast a listen.

I Get Honoured

This morning my email in box contained a message from Tansy Rayner Roberts suggesting that I might like to listen to the new Galactic Suburbia podcast because I am on the Honours List for their new award.

Wow, so I am! You can listen to the show here, but if you don’t have time for that here is the short version.

The award is for “activism and/or communication that advances the feminist conversation in the field of speculative fiction” in the year of eligibility.

Honours List

Carrie Goldman and her daughter Katie, for sharing their story about how Katie was bullied at school for liking Star Wars, and opening up a massive worldwide conversation about gender binaries and gender-related bullying among very young children.

Cheryl Morgan for Female Invisibility Bingo, associated blogging and podcasting, and basically fighting the good fight

Helen Merrick, for the rewrite of the Feminism article on the SF Encyclopedia.

Jim C Hines for “Jane C Hines” and associated blogging, raising awareness of feminist issues in the SF/Fantasy publishing field.

Julia Rios, Kirstyn McDermott and Ian Mond for episode 11 of the Outer Alliance podcast (The Writer and the Critic special episode).

L. Timmel Duchamp – for continuing to raise issues of importance on the Ambling Down the Aqueduct blog and various Aqueduct Press projects

Michelle Lee for the blog post “A 7-year-old girl responds to DC Comics’ sexed-up reboot of Starfire”.


Nicola Griffith – for the Russ Pledge, and associated blogging.

The winner will receive a Deepings Doll hand-painted figurine of a suffragette with a Galactic Suburbia placard.

I am, of course, deeply honoured to be included on that list, and I’m delighted to see Nicola recognized for the fabulous work that she has done. Thank you, ladies! 🙂

Tansy’s email ended with a request for suggestions for nominees for next year’s award. Obviously it is a bit early in the year right now, but I’d like to suggest that the Galactic Suburbanites keep an eye on what Maura McHugh. writes. I also think that there’s a very good chance that they will find next year’s winner here.

I Get Podcast

Last night I was a guest on episode #85 of the fabulous Coode Street Podcast. Jonathan got it online while I was asleep. I listened to it this morning and it isn’t too embarrassing. I wasn’t at my sharpest, as we recorded it between 23:00 and midnight my time and I’d had a busy day, but I really must stop saying “um” so much. Also there’s one mistake in there that I spotted as I was saying it but was too tired to think of a graceful way out of.

Most of the conversation is about the Hugos — Gary and Jonathan have me down as their resident expert on rules matters, though I did have to check with Kevin at one point.

During the discussion, Jonathan came up with one very interesting idea. He suggested that instead of having an Editor: Long Form category, the editor of the winning Novel would get a trophy alongside the author. There’s a lot of merit in that idea — in particular it would share the glory around a lot, and shine a spotlight on a bunch of people that we never hear about. Of course there would then be arguments that the editors of the winning short fiction, related work and graphic story should get trophies too, which probably means it would never happen. However, one thing we can do is identify who edited some of the highly fancied novels from 2011. I’ll get back to that during the week.

The other thing we talk about is the Translation Awards, for which Gary is the President of the Board of Directors, and Kevin & I have also been involved. The reason we did that is that the awards have just started another fund raiser, so that they can give financial prizes to more translators and non-English-speaking writers. There’s an amazing selection of prizes on offer. You can see them here, and I expect more to be added in the coming weeks. If you want to know what works are up for the prizes this year, you can find them here.

On The Radio

Last night I had a brief slot on Bristol Community Radio’s LGBT show, Shout Out, where my friend Andy Foyle and I talked about events that we have planned for LGBT History month. We come on just past the half way point of the show. All of the shows are available for listening here. I can’t find a link to the specific show’s web page, but you can download the MP3 here.

Guardian Podcasts SF

The latest Guardian Books podcast is all about science fiction. Damien G. Walter and Sarah Crown talk to Lauren Beukes, Michael Moorcock, Al Reynolds and Jeff Noon. You can listen to it here. Mike talks a lot about New Worlds, and Jeff talks for the first time about the new novel that he’s working on.

Nice job, Damo.

The Phantom Review

The new episode of Galactic Suburbia references my review of Kameron Hurley’s God’s War. Apparently I said rather a lot about it, and there was a lengthy comment discussion. I have no idea who actually wrote this, but it wasn’t me. Sorry, whoever you are.

Of course I do love the book, and Infidel, and I do plan to write a review. And now it will reference the things that I didn’t say about it. 🙂

Update: And now we have the review. It was Farah’s, and you can read it here. Thanks Ian!