Congratulations, Dr. Irma

There was a big party in Finland yesterday, because my good friend Irma “Ipa” Hirsjärvi has finally received her doctorate. She is now a doctor of philosophy in the area of Fannish Studies. Finnish fandom was on hand to mark the day in their own special way, including something called Dr. Ipa’s Sing-along Blog. Liisa Rantalaiho, who is one of the mainstays of the Finnish filk community, tells me that they used my Abba filk, suitably re-purposed for the occasion:

There’s one solution I have found, and it is indeed very sound, Best for all:
I’ll make this fandom work for me, my research topic it will be.
What a ball!
I’ll write papers and I’ll go
To Liverpool or Orlando,
A dissertation’s my desire, but when it’s done I won’t retire:
Study study study, always study
That is always on
Study study study, love to study
Our great fandom!
Aha-ahaaa all the things I shall do
But next year I must be working
On another con…

Wish I had been there to see it.

When her hangover has recovered Irma will be on her way to ICFA. I can’t be there either, but I know that a bunch of people who read this will be. I am relying on you to provide suitable celebrations.

3 thoughts on “Congratulations, Dr. Irma

  1. Oh you folks are probably one of the main reasons why I survived the serious sickness and was able to finish this project. If I am somewhat tired in Orlando and euphopric there is a reason for that.

    The public defence of my dissertation was wonderful, thanks to my gracious opponent, professor of sociology, Liisa Rantalaiho, and the audience gave a big hand and cheered after the show, and that was really magical.

    You were there, Cheryl, as your name was constantly mentioned as one main characters of Finnish fandom – example in the words of Johanna Sinisalo.

    Photos about the actual event and the party afterwards:

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