Well, as you’ll see from the post below, today wasn’t great. On the other hand, it has been great to have it out in the open at last. We in the trans community have known for a long time that the true objective of the anti-trans movement was to take away our civil rights. Now they have been given what they wanted — the GRA reforms have been scrapped — and yet the government is already saying that they are planning a massive curtailment of trans rights. Even though there is no evidence that the rights that we have enjoyed for the past 10 years have caused any problems.
I note also that this is very selective protection of women. In 2017 and 2018 147 women in the UK were killed by violent men. We don’t have the final count for 2019 yet, but the total is at least 115. We also know that violence against women has increased substanially during Lockdown. Conviction for rape is now so difficult in this county that many people are saying it is no longer a crime. The government is doing nothing to tackle this massive problem, and yet it is putting significant effort into “protecting” women from people like me. Hopefully most people can see how crazy this is.
Anyway, there will have to be major changes in my life in the near future. I will need to devote much more time to protecting my community, and indeed focusing on my own safety. I am very aware of the possibility that I may have to leave the UK in order to avoid being forced to detransition.
Watch this space.