Eastercon Schedule

Here’s what I expect to be up to over the weekend.

Panels I am on

I’m moderating both of these.

Sunday – 7:00pm Virtual Conventions

Monday – 11:00am Language & Dialect

Live Panels

These are panels I expect to be live-blogging using the CoverItLive software over on ConReporter.com.

Saturday – 3:00pm Social Media (this one will also be on UStream)

Sunday – 6:00pm BSFA Awards

Sunday – 7:00pm Virtual Conventions (yes, I’m also moderating it, and will accept questions from the online audience)

Sunday – 10:00pm Hugo Awards Nominees Announcement (expect lots of tweeting from this too. I want to see #hugos trend, OK?)

There are a bunch of other interesting events that I plan to attend and may tweet from. Annoyingly the UK Worldcon Bid announcement clashes with the Alternate Sexualities panel, so someone else will tweet which city has been chosen before me, but I’ll catch up with it afterward. It is going to be a struggle to be up for the 9:00am Saturday panel on Welsh Language Science Fiction, but I’ll try to be there. I do not want to miss seeing Ben Goldacre, or Oliver Morton’s Hay Lecture on geoengineering, both on Saturday.

Note that this is all dependent on Internet access. Eastercon has told me that there will be free wi-fi, but if I can’t get access I can’t do the coverage.

I will have a voice recorder and the Flip with me and plan to grab a bunch of interviews. The audio stuff may turn up on Star Ship Sofa if Tony likes it.