
Well, I am here. Epinal looks to be a lovely town, and they are really taking the convention seriously. When I walked out of the station I was greeted by a large poster advertising Imaginales. There are posters in the streets, and in my hotel. It is wonderful.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Thanks to being able to stay with the Clutes (thank you, John & Judith), it was no problem getting to St. Pancras for a 7:30 departure. The Eurostar was very comfortable, and I slept most of the way through the tunnel. France is very overcast today, and it was pouring with rain when I had to walk from Gare du Nord to Gare de l’Est. Fortunately it isn’t far. The TGV was also very comfortable, and the on-board food was very tasty. It is wonderful to be in a country that likes cheese to taste of cheese.

I’m rooming with my new friend, Gillian, who is co-editor of Galaxies magazine, one of France’s leading SF publications. She has promised to introduce me to all of the French writers. She’s also done most of the talking for me. Apart from ordering my lunch on the train I haven’t had to speak French at all. I’m sure this will change, and then I will embarrass myself.

Also here is Jean-Louis Trudel from Canada who is doing a panel on Worldcon this evening. I’ll go along to that to answer questions.

The only small snag I had had thus far is that the wi-fi signal is too weak in my hotel room so I have to come down to the lobby get online. Fortunately I also have the iPhone and Twitter. That’s the best way to keep up with me while I’m here. I don’t expect to be able to answer email more than once or twice a day.

5 thoughts on “Epinal!

  1. I hope Anticipation can try to get signs and posters up throughout the city. Maybe, it would help attendance.

  2. Erm, “Anticipation” is me and my backpack. I didn’t have enough room to pack posters… not that I’m aware that Anticipation actually *has* posters.

    But I’ll be passing out Anticipation publicity cards at all of my signings. Attendance at the panel yesterday was disappointing, but I’m told that, during the weekend, it’s standing room only in the dealers’ room here.

    Unless, by “city”, you mean Montréal… Yes, that would be a good idea, but it would depend, I think, on our budget and on striking a partnership with city hall, the quid pro quo being perhaps better access to at least the Anticipation dealers’ room for the general public.

    Here in Epinal, I understand everything’s free for visitors, so that the local population is getting something in return for the city government’s backing of the Imaginales.

  3. As you’re in France I’d be interested to hear any local comments on HADOPI… That’s the new french legislation that amongst other things will mean it’s illegal to not secure your home wi-fi point, that public wi’fi will end up being ‘white list’ censored, and that Internet subscribers can be cut off from the net without trial – with no requirement to provide evidence that the subscriber has done anything wrong (except allegedly allow their net access to be used for copyright infringement).

    All that and of course, and a government agency specifically to monitor your internet usage….

    ..or is that a challenge Cheryl?

  4. As Jeqn-Louis says, the convention is free to attend, so the people of Epinal get a lot back for what their local council does.

    Paul: I found out about that yesterday. I need to talk to people. I will report back.

  5. Jean-Louis:

    I meant throughout the city of Montreal. If the budget allows it, pay for advertising on the Metro system for the last two months before the con. Anime Boston does this (throughout Boston’s Metro System) and it helps their attendance numbers at a lower cost than Television would.

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