Fannish Inquisition from Eastercon (& Montreal?)

Over at Eastercon, Geri Sullivan and Ben Yalow did a video presentation via the LXtra webcast about the Reno in 2001 Worldcon bid. There’s not a lot of new information, and having Geri on Skype videophone from the US introduced some annoying time delays, but it was great to see something like this being done. You can watch it here. It lasts 20 minutes.

Talking of Worldcon, Kevin and I will be in Montreal next weekend for a committee meeting. I do intend to take a good look around and shoot some video. We’ll also be tweeting, though not with the iPhone due to roaming costs so the photos will have to wait. Given that the BSFA’s Eastercon coverage through CoverItLive appears to have worked well, I’m planning to do something similar, and hopefully other attendees will tweet too (the hash tag will be #worldcon). Because we’ll be in meetings or out and about a lot of the time we won’t be able to keep an eye on it, so it would be nice if one or two people could offer to do so for us. I’d also like to schedule a Q&A session, but I can’t guarantee that as I don’t know what our schedule will be.

7 thoughts on “Fannish Inquisition from Eastercon (& Montreal?)

  1. I hope there is interesting news out of the meeting. I just get this feeling that this may be the year I shouldn’t have decided to go to Worldcon. I am having a hard time getting excited for it even though I am doing everything I can to make sure it is fun.

  2. some annoying time delays

    Yes – I reckon the latency between us and Geri was about 13 seconds, just enough to make it awkward. We probably needed to start using the old radio ham convention of putting “Over” at the end of each speech.

  3. Heh, I have started using “Over” in chat, anyway, since it is hard to converse minus the visual cues of when to be quiet because the other person is about to say something. That said the “so and so is typing” is something I find I want in real life.

    Any chance you’ll post any pics? I am all about more people seeing how beautiful the Palais is, to add some more temptation factor.

    Including the pink trees . . . (don’t have a pic of those, sadly)

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