I’ve seen a bunch of interesting gender-related links in the past few days, so I’m going to commit one of those awful link-dump posts.
To begin with here is Jennifer Ouellette talking about why it shouldn’t be necessary to abandon femininity to be a scientist (complete with a fabulous XKCD comic to reinforce the point).
In a similar vein I was pleased to see via Jed Hartman that there is now such a thing as a Femme Conference. What is more, they had Julia Serano as a keynote speak. I wish I had been in Chicago this weekend.
While the Femme Collective appears to be happy to be fully inclusive of transwomen, Roz Kaveney blogs about the vicious transphobia that too often manifests itself amongst feminists. Roz says this stuff far better than I ever could, and has far too many battle scars than anyone ought to have to put up with.
And finally, at Pharyngula, an excellent guest post about the evils of “normalization” surgery performed on intersex children.
There’s been a lot of trans and other gender issues in the memepool in the last week or so… annoyingly, I had a bunch of stuff on tabs ready to linkblog, when my browser crashed and lost them.
(Word to the wise: FF3 is great, and Session Manager is great, but don’t expect things to recover if you have 183 tabs open.)