Not having a lot else to do while eating lunch, I have been gazing idly at the BBC’s reality show from Longleat. As a consequence I now know more than I probably wanted to know about giraffe pregnancies (including the fact that giraffes give birth standing up, dropping the poor babies out on their heads). However, there was also a brief feature on the Longleat library. Lord Bath has more books than I do – more than 40,000 in fact – and some of them are very old. So we got a look at a 15th Century hand-written book of Chaucer stories (specifically “The Knight’s Tale” and “The Clerk’s Tale”). People were not so different from us in those days. They would write their names in their books. And in this particular book was the signature, “Richard of Gloucester”. For the benefit of you not familiar with English history, that would be Richard III before he became king. Nice to know he enjoyed good books.