I Haz Followerz

Well, that was quick. Of course to someone brought up on role-playing games the idea of having “followers” is kind of double-edged. Can I have cultists too?

By the way, the social dynamics of Twitter appear to be quite different from LJ and Facebook. Whereas there appears to be an obligation to be a “friend” of someone who say they are your friend, there doesn’t appear to be the same requirement with “followers”. Have I got that right?

7 thoughts on “I Haz Followerz

  1. Nope — no one seems to expect that as far as I can tell ;>. I have 46 followers and I’m only following 17 — and not a one seems to have their knickers in a twist ;>.

  2. Yeah, that’s what it seems to me too. I think it helps that you can see if someone is replying to you , even if you aren’t following them. So you still get a sense of conversation when warranted.

  3. I am following three people, with only one of those following me. That one is Stephen Fry, which I thought was quite cool 😉 . He seems to follow anyone who follows him, but for the most part, I think everyone just does their own thing.

    p.s. No rugby post yet ?

  4. Matt:

    You are so right: Minions, I needz them!


    I suspect Mr. Fry thinks Twitter is Facebook, but I doubt that he reads all those people.

    As to the rugby, Kevin is away for the weekend and hasn’t seen the game yet.

  5. Although I have seen Twitter suddenly block accounts for people it deems to be acting strangely. So far, all of them have been spammers.
    At least at the conference, you’ll have the chance to be bored by new people. 🙂

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