So yesterday I was whingeing about troubles getting the webcam to work. Today I find that the iPhone is even worse. When you switch it on, you get a message telling you that there is no SIM installed. But nowhere in the package are their any instructions as to how to install one. Fortunately Google is my friend. I would never have guessed by myself. I tend to assume that those little holes are for re-booting the device.
The installation instructions tell you to hook the phone up to iTunes before it can be used. So I did so, and I got this message: “This iPhone cannot be used because the required software is not installed. Run the iTunes installer to remove iTunes, then install iTunes again.” No possibility of an auto-update, they expect you to know how to do that yourself. Of course I do, but how are less tech-savvy people to cope?
Of course, while I was in the middle of downloading the latest version the Apple update manager pops up and asks me if I’d like to update my copy of ITunes.
Still, after much downloading of software and re-booting I seem to have got there at last. I just wonder why they have to make these things so hard.
Based on your headline I was expecting the installation to have broken your whole Windows installation or something…
Glad it didn’t happen, although I’m sure the following rant would have been entertaining to read.
A few years ago I foolishly clicked YES to one of those messages that told me that a new version of iTunes was available and did I want to install it. The result was a complete meltdown of my Internet connection on that machine for three days. The software had installed “Bonjour”, a sharing tool that I didn’t need, and that had a bug which broke everything.
Fortunately I had another computer and, with that I could eventually get online to Google for help. Apple’s own support sites seemed to pretend that the problem didn’t exist (though it must have hit thousands of people world-wide). I eventually found a support site which described the cause of the problem well enough that I could find out which processes to block — and my internet access was back to normal. However, as you say, I was only able to do this because I have two degrees in Computer Science!
For these reasons I nowadays delay installing anything new from Apple untill it comes to the point where there really is no choice.