Monday morning – packing and saying goodbyes. Charlie tells me that there is some sort of dead dog event in a pub with good real ale at lunchtime, but I have to be at Dublin airport for 13:20 so I won’t see much, if any, of it.
Everything seems to have gone smoothly. The showers managed to be lukewarm this morning, so that was the one major inconvenience sorted. Con chair Peter McLean tells me that they had just under 150 attendees. All of the writers want to come back. I had breakfast with Chaz Brenchley, who was attending his first Dublin convention, and he really liked it.
I may have more to say about the con tomorrow. However, right now I have shopping to do.
Many thanks to all of the Irish folks for their wonderful hospitality, and to Cuddles for being an excellent roommate.
Meanwhile back to worrying about getting the Hugo packages to Scalzi and the new Clarkesworld online.
It was very nice to meet you (albeit typically briefly) at P-Con Cheryl. Leah says she’s sorry for interrupting your conference call. Looking forward to seeing your footage of the GOH interview.
Hope to see you again soon.
Thanks John, it was great to get to meet you folks as well. Sorry I can’t get back to Dublin for your Dracula event. (I’ll be in Montreal. Yes, I know, I won’t complain.)
Tell Leah not to worry. The Board of SFSFC was honoured to have their meeting graced by her presence.
I’m hoping to do the video editing this weekend. As I have > 1 hour of video, it is going to take several hours to process.