Over on LiveJournal, Kevin has posted the text of a proposal to be brought before this year’s Worldcon Business Meeting. The substance of the proposal is that all changes to the WSFS Constitution should be subject to ratification by popular vote of the membership rather than by the Business Meeting. Changes would still take two years to pass, but everyone would get a say in ratification, not just those who have the time to attend the Business Meeting.
If you want to debate this, please do so on Kevin’s LiveJournal, not here. It makes no sense to have the conversation in two places.
While this will doubtless ruffle feathers amongst some old-time Business Meeting regulars, I think it will pass fairly easily. The discussion about Worldcon has moved on from a debate as to how open and democratic it should be, to a debate about whether it should be a community event or a commercial service.
Thanks for the redirect. I never look at LJ anymore unless someone points me at it.