Here’s a story guaranteed to set off alarm bells in fundamentalist churches. The albatross is a famously monogamous bird, with pairs staying together for years to raise chicks even though they spend much of their lives roaming the oceans on their own. But what is a girl albatross to do if there are not enough guys around? On the island of Oahu, female Laysan albatross outnumber males by almost 2:1. Does this stop the girls breeding? No it does not. Raising an albatross chick is hard work, and normal couples only ever manage one per year, so this isn’t a single-parent scenario. So the female albatross pair up together, and raise the chicks between them. Currently around 31% of baby albatross on Oahu have two mommies. Obviously the girls need to find a male to get pregnant, but aside from that the commitment to monogamy appears to hold, with female:female pairs staying together for years and raising each other’s chicks. More details here.