Marriage, It’s Complicated

The UK government is currently running a public consultation on the subject of equality in marriage law. Last night my friends at Shout Out Bristol were right on topic when they chose to interview a trans couple about the legal difficulties of transitioning when married. (April 12th show if you come to it late, segment begins about 24 minutes in.)

As you may know, the UK currently allows “marriage” for opposite-sex couples, and “civil partnerships” for same-sex couples. Neither type of couple is allowed to have the type of union reserved for the other, although legally the options are very similar. Transitioning while married drives a coach and horses through this ridiculous system. As Nicola and Meg explain on the program, if Nicola wants to be recognized as fully legally female in the UK it would be necessary for the couple to have their marriage annulled. That’s not just a divorce, that’s saying that it never, ever happened, because it would have been illegal.

Some couples, like Nicola and Meg, have elected to preserve their relationship and fore-go the legal recognition of the gender change. Others have spent a lot of money on lawyers exchanging their marriage for a civil partnership. If you are a UK citizen and are responding to the government consultation, please remember these people and ask for something to be done for them.