Mission Accomplished

… in more ways than one.

Firstly, I have napped, and managed to wake up in time for the opening ceremonies.

Secondly, the con has been formally opened. Daphne provided the most energetic opening speech I have seen at any convention. The international contingent continues to grow. It is all looking very promising.

I have also achieved dinner. Wellington turns out to be one of those places where they roll up the sidewalks at 9:00pm, but a few places are still open and I managed to be just in time to catch some superb fish and chips from a place just across the road. It was excellent value as well. I have probably eaten way too much, but I’m hoping that in best big cat style this now means I shall sleep soundly for many hours.

I should, of course, be in the bar, except that the bar here is quite small and Sean Williams is busy DJing so the obvious bar crowd is seriously diminished. Elizabeth did recommend a pub nearby, but I think that would require an Expedition, which I don’t think I’m up to putting together.

Talking of Elizabeth, during the kaffeklatsch she mentioned that her sister, Sara, who teaches “death and culture” at a university in Sydney, is also an author. Her novel, The Orphan Gunner, is a lesbian romance in the RAF in WWII Britain. There’s a review here. It looks like the book is only published in NZ and Australia.