New Westercon Website

Some of my pals back in California have been busy revamping the website of Westercon, the travelling convention for the west coast. Jo, Chaz and Andy seem to have done a fine job there, though by their own admission they’d love to hear from a good graphic designer who can help them make it prettier.

This is the sort of thing that Kevin and I wanted to do to the Worldcon website after we had finished rebuilding the Hugo Awards website. At the time (2008) the Mark Protection Committee chose someone with better qualifications than me, which is fine. However, for a variety of good personal reasons he was unable to get the job done, and ever since then inertia has set in. Maybe WSFS could get the folks who did the Westercon site to help them out.

One thought on “New Westercon Website

  1. Glenn Glazer gets most of the political credit. Jo gets most of the workhorse credit. I just did a little bit of vetting and hacked together the map image.

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