Parliament Not Entirely Hopeless

There are a lot of things the UK government has done over the last few years that I’m not too happy with (many of which can be blamed on the now thankfully departed Bliar), but they do continue to do good things as well. Here, for example, we have news of potential changes in the abortion laws, and here some support for that idea.

There’s not a lot of point in my writing to my MP, you can see his dismal voting record here. If I were to be writing to anyone, it would probably be to Mr. Straw to ask why, given that he is going to put forward a bill to outlaw incitement to hate crimes against gays and lesbians, he is only considering giving the same protection to the disabled and the transgendered. It seems kind of sad to see the British parliament afraid to tackle civil rights legislation that has recently got through Congress (though will doubtless be vetoed by Bush).