The Translation Awards fundraiser is now over, and I’m delighted to report that it reached its goal, just. The aim was to raise $2000, and the ghost of Sir Arthur quietly guided us to $2001 and a few cents.
The official thanks are over on the official blog, but I’d like to add a few personal comments. As expected, by far the largest number of donors, and therefore the most money, came from the USA. If California was a separate country then it would have come second (thank you, BASFA). Next up was Finland, followed by the UK. Donations from Australia, Canada and NZ were few in number, but exceptionally generous. In all we received money from 13 different countries. Five of those were English-speaking. Ireland uses two main languages, and the others were from countries with main languages other than English. It is great to know that what we are doing is becoming more widely known around the world.
Huge thanks once again to everyone who donated. And Finndom, you are awesome!
Yippee! So glad the target reached!