Rushdie Throws Down the Gauntlet

At Hay today Salman Rushdie reportedly nailed his flag firmly to the mast of speculative fiction. As reported in The Guardian, his new novel, The Enchantress of Florence, “is filled with bad faeries, imaginary dragons, ogres, sorcerers, witches, an imaginary queen, hexes, and love potions.” Today at Hay he had to defend his decision to write what many of his audience will have dismissed as fluffy fantasy nonsense.

“We all began as readers with a very fond relationship with the imagination,” Rushdie told interviewer Mariella Frostrup. “But what happens as we grow up is we begin to think of that as childish. I’ve never thought that.”

And what’s more, he has support. John Sutherland apparently loves the book and is pimping it for the Booker, and you can’t get much higher up the British critics tree than him. This is all very promising.

And you know what, the book is eligible for the World Fantasy Award next year. Would I love to see Rushdie at our little convention in San José. You betcha!

Given that this is Rushdie we are talking about, I suspect that his book will be available even here in Darkest Somerset. I shall be looking out for a copy. There may even be a review.

4 thoughts on “Rushdie Throws Down the Gauntlet

  1. This looks quite good, actually. I’ve never read anything by him — always time for a first! By the way, I’ve come from La Gringa’s site, and I like yours 🙂


  2. Ah, Mr. Book Swede, welcome! – Facebook keeps telling me I should know you. 🙂

    Rushdie’s first novel, Grimus is also a fantasy, and his children’s book, Haroun and the Sea of Stories is well worth a look too.

  3. I’ll check them out! Then I can add them to an immense list of books I’ll probably never get around to reading! 😉 Life is good.

    I’ve been neglecting Facebook and it’s own way of forcing friendships! I shall add you 😀


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