I missed the official LGBT focus on Wednesday due to being stupidly busy, but today is the official kids & YA day so I’m taking you on a trip to Engelsfors. This small Swedish town is the setting for a trilogy by Sara B. Elfgren and Mats Strandberg. (They are not a couple.) The name of the town translates as Angel Falls, and the books tell the story of a group of teenagers who discover that they are witches. The books have sold in translation it many languages, and a movie is being made in Sweden. The Circle and Fire are available in English now, and The Key is published in Swedish so is presumably on the way. I’ve read the first book and really enjoyed it. I see the website has an enthusiastic endorsement from Liz Hand. The kids in the book represent a variety of lives, and the sexuality and gender issues seem very well handled as far as I’ve read. Also Sara & Mats are lovely people.