I appear to be more or less arrived in California now, meaning that I felt refreshed enough on waking up this morning to start getting back into my Pilates routine. I’m obviously getting too old for long-distance international travel because it takes me longer and longer to recover from the flight each time, but at least I still get there in the end.
The other good news is that I have my kitchen back, so I’ve been able to experiment on Kevin with some new recipes. I’m pleased to report that Nigella’s new squid recipe is every bit as fast and delicious as she promises, though I’m clearly missing a trick with regard to getting the coating to stick well. I also tried out a new chili recipe which included mole paste. That worked very well indeed, though the mole paste itself proved to be very dangerous stuff, being very oily and prone to staining it touches bright orange.
I’ve got a few diabetic cookbooks, if you’re interested.
I also have some scotch bonnet peppers if you are the adventurous type!
Diabetic recipes are always of interest. Kevin staying healthy is important to me. Thanks!
As to scotch bonnets, I love them, but I also recall what happened to Kevin and Dave Clark the day I dragged them to a chili festival…
Both the squid and the mole chili were delicious, and neither one seems to have seriously impacted my blood sugar. Going for walks after meals does wonders for the digestion.
I’m game to try to the scotch bonnets. That particular day at the Prince of Wales was the so-called “super habaneros,” hotter than hot, and we had them in paste form on crackers. Never again!
Of course someone went back for more. Apparently I burned out my taste buds long ago, or something like that.
I apologize…scotch bonnet is habaneros, I just couldn’t remember how to spell the spanish word for them. They are the most beautiful pepper with a lovely orange sherbety color. They are shaped like Japanese lanterns or their other name sake…scotch bonnets.
My garden didn’t produce enough vegetables for me to make my chili sauce and I would be reluctant to use more than a smear of a habanero in any hot sauce recipe. I believe in flavor, not proving my machisma or machismo. Getting food so spiced up it’s uneatable is a waste of good food. If used right the habanero has a wonderful nut like taste just under the fire. It’s wonderful mixed with zebra striped tomatoes. A lot of tomatoes.
Peppers are good for you. Loads of anti oxidants, vitamin C and they are a ‘free’ food for diabetics.
I’ve been watching BBC America more now-a-days. ‘You Are What You Eat’ has had a big impact on me. It’s got me thinking harder about what I eat in a week. Good show.
By the way, glad to have you back Cheryl.
‘Tis good to be back (she says, gazing out the window at the clear, blue sky…).