Well, not really, of course, but any woman who dares to mention gender bias issues, no matter how cautiously and rationally, is going to get accused of being a shrill, man-hating feminazi by someone looking for a fight. Here are some such.
- Linda Nagata on writing SF while female
- Chris Moriarty on the same
- N.K. Jemisin with a similar story in fantasy
- Sady Doyle on the end of the Hermione Granger series
- and Jennifer Ouellette on on the “chilly climate” phenomenon
All worth a read.
You’ve probably already seen this webcomic, but I’ll link to it anyway just in case you haven’t.
Nice summary of how things all too often seem to go, in handy comic form (so that even men could understand it) 🙂 — although, of course some never will (the “don’t read the comments” rule applies to this comic as well as most other things on the Internet).
Yes, I have seen that one, but other people may not have done, so thank you!