Some LGBT Linkage

This week is going to be very thin blog-wise because I’m off to London tomorrow to take a look at The Identity Project. Christine Burns is giving a guided tour tomorrow at 3:00pm, and it is a public event so come along if you are around.

On Wednesday morning I should have a chance to find a proper bookshop: one that actually sells books I want to buy. Guess which one that will be.

But blogging will be light as a result. Here, to keep you going, are two LGBT-related Guardian articles.

Firstly there’s the sorry tale of how people convicted of “buggery” are still treated as criminals today, even though the crime itself has long since been dropped from the statue books.

And secondly here’s a bisexual complaining about being discriminated against by lesbians and gays (and sadly he seems to think that being trans is a sexual orientation).

3 thoughts on “Some LGBT Linkage

  1. Morgan has some points, but I’m missing where he says/implies trans is an orientation. (He mentions “trans” once–not related to orientation–and doesn’t even use the word “orientation.”)

    Some people in the comments, OTOH, are kinda wacked out (and not just about trans folk).

    1. He mentions trans in connection with who bi people are supposed to be attracted to. To me he’s implying a) that being trans is all about who you are attracted to (and who is attracted to you), and b) that trans people are entirely separate from “men and women”. Now there are some trans people who fit part of that mold, but as a blanket description it falls well short.

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