Some Quick Comments on Google Plus

First of all, thanks to all the people who sent me invites. I think it it open to all now, so hopefully that piece of silliness is over.

Second, I’m going to be on the road for the next 10 days, so I won’t have much time to look at what Google Plus has to offer. My apologies to all of you who are getting enthusiastic over the new toy.

Having said that, from what I have seen so far I won’t be spending much time on Google Plus. I don’t have the time for social networking any more complex than Twitter. I am on Facebook only because there are people who won’t read my tweets and blog posts unless they appear on Facebook. I haven’t, as yet, found any means of automatically importing feeds to Google Plus, and no way am I going to re-post anything manually.

Also I do most of my social media interaction on my iPad, and I’ve seen from other people that Google Plus won’t let you use it from a mobile device unless you give them your location. That’s another disincentive to using it.

Some of the features do look interesting, but I won’t be able to try them out until I get back from Finland.

5 thoughts on “Some Quick Comments on Google Plus

  1. Same here – the whole location business is just…unnecessary and annoying. I don’t mind them knowing which country I live in, but anything beyond that is intrusive. Earth to Google – there’s a reason people are abandoning FB…

  2. Have fun in Turku. Please give my regards to Tero, Jukka and Johanna. I wish I were going but the budget just won’t stretch that far this year.

  3. I’ve heard Google+ obliges you to display gender, as well as location… :S Have a wonderful time in Finland!

    1. It does, yes. But it gives you the option of “Other”, which makes it better than an awful lot of systems. It’s an indicator of just how obsessed our society is with gender that it is the only thing other than your name that Google + requires.

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