Sympathetic Tooth Magic

Those of you who follow Kevin’s LiveJournal might have noticed him commenting yesterday that he needed dental work done. When he emailed me about it my reaction was, “that’s funny, I’m having trouble with my teeth today too.”

And I was. This morning they were a lot worse, so I went to have a word with the dentist. It seems fairly certain that I have a dying nerve somewhere in the right side of my jaw. Unfortunately most of the candidate teeth are heavily filled, so the teeth themselves are not sensitive. Somewhere inside all that enamel and filling, a poor little nerve is suffering, but neither I nor my dentist has a clue which tooth it is in. The x-rays were inconclusive. So the only option we have it to let things get worse, because if they do that might help us pinpoint the right tooth to work on. In the meantime, I’ll be taking a lot of painkillers.

Oh, and unlike Kevin I don’t have health insurance. Can’t afford it. Can’t afford treatment either. It’s a good job I’d decided not to go to conventions for a while.

2 thoughts on “Sympathetic Tooth Magic

  1. Funny thing, I also ached at the jaw section yesterday. In my case it was probably just a case of anxiety, as I was being catscanned and for the first time ever (and I’ve done a few of these scans) I was given an order not to swallow. I guess I somehow just locked my jaws and caused considerable unpleasantness with the dental area, while holding my breath and waiting for the scan to be over.

    Really painful, but after some relaxed masticating, I felt sooo-o much better.

    Hope your dentist will find the guilty teeth and perform miracles. Until that, happy pain killing!

  2. The trouble with the painkillers is that they don’t last the night. Definite case of sleep deprivation here this morning. I’m also investigating another potential cause of the problem. It might not be teeth at all. More later.

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