No, I’m not in America, but I have got into the habit of doing this because I think it is a good thing to do. And besides, I have a lot to be thankful for.
This year I am most profoundly thankful for the Internet. Without it I would be reliant on slow airmail and expensive international telephone calls. With it Kevin and I can talk every day, and spend hours on free video phone calls. I can also keep up with my many other friends around the world. And the Internet has given me a chance of creating a business that might just help me get the visa I need to be able to go to US conventions again.
I should also give thanks to some special people who have helped me through a very difficult year. Thanks are due to John and Judith Clute, who rescued me when my life was falling apart earlier this year, and helped me get back on my feet. Thanks are also due to my friend Marjorie, without whose help I would not have found somewhere to live so quickly. In addition, thanks to everyone who has offered their sympathy and support this year. You have been wonderful.
This is funny because every year when asked what I am thankful for I ALWAYS say the Internet 🙂 So cheers to the Intertubes for making our lives awesomer!