Everyone in the media is trying to get a piece of Alan Moore at the moment, and The Guardian actually succeeded. You can find the interview here. One of the things that everyone is mystified about, of course, is why Moore is willing to give away potentially huge sums of money by not taking the credit for movie versions of his work. He says:
“To me, all creativity is magic,” he says. “Ideas start out in the empty void of your head – and they end up as a material thing, like a book you can hold in your hand. That is the magical process. It’s an alchemical thing. Yes, we do get the gold out of it but that’s not the most important thing. It’s the work itself. That’s the reward. That’s better than money.”
I know what he means. Most of what I do I very much enjoy. There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of creating something that lots of other people enjoy too. On the other hand, when you are stuck 5,000 miles away from your home and your partner, primarily because you can’t earn any money out of what you do, there is a temptation to wish that you were good enough that someone would actually want to pay you.
It isn’t that you aren’t “good” enough to get paid. No fair putting my friend down!
No, seriously, it is. Other people get paid for writing, and I don’t. That’s either because I don’t write well enough, or I haven’t learned to write the right things, or I’m not good at selling myself, or all three. There is no conspiracy.