The Truth About Science Fiction

Via John Scalzi I discover that John C Wright has written a long treatise on the true nature of science fiction. It includes gems such as this:

What girls read is only tangentially related to science fiction, because it has mushy emotions and junk, like some sort of story about a spaceship-cyborg with a girl’s brain who falls in love with her pilot. Or horses telepathically linked to their Amazon riders. SF for girls has girly stuff in it, like feelings. Except for Goth girls, who write about vampires.

But before you get all uppity and outraged about this, I should warn you that I think the whole post is a fake. I have read it (well, skimmed it anyway), and I can’t find a single reference to spanking in the whole thing. Based on my previous experience with Mr. Wright’s writing (and I have read five of his books) I am forced to conclude that the post in question was authored by someone else.