Translated Stories Wanted

The nice people at Albedo One have been trying to publish top quality SF&F stories in translation (that is, translated into English from languages other than English). They have been having trouble getting any. I have pointed the Finns in their direction (thanks Anne!). Ideally they are looking for award-winning stories as the point of the project is to showcase the best of SF&F written in other languages. If you happen to have something to offer, Bob Nielson’s blog would be a good place to start.

2 thoughts on “Translated Stories Wanted

  1. Though I am writing in English now, most of my stories are originally written in Portuguese – some of them won awards in Brazil. The same applies to other Brazilian writers. Most of them can´t write in English, and would be delighted in having their work translated.

  2. After Anticipation, I’ll see what I can pull out. Much of my backlog of translations will appear in Jean-Claude Dunyach’s second short fiction collection from Black Coat Press (available at the Worldcon). But it might be possible to arrange for some sort of reprint with the publisher’s permission. Last time I checked the Albedo One website, the payment rates were minuscule, so it’s not exactly an incentive to do any kind of original work.

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