OK, so I have quite enough to be doing right now. But here are a couple of calls for papers that I am considering responding to.
First up is the academic track of this year’s Finncon. It has the advantage that I am already planning to be there. The theme this year is, “Fantastic Visions from Faerie to Dystopia”, and I have an idea for something to write about. I just need to get my arse in gear and write it.
Secondly there is Fantasies of Contemporary Cultures, a one-day conference at the University of Cardiff. This has the advantages that a) I can get there and back in a day, and b) the keynote speakers are friends of mine (Cathy Butler and Mark Bould). Also the subject matter is right up my street. And it is an good excuse to visit Wales.
No rest for the wicked, as my mother was fond of saying.