Temeraire books don’t take long to read. However, the fact that the prose is straightforward and the plot relentless doesn’t mean that they are lacking in intelligence. Sure they are brain candy, but I frequently find myself stopping to admire how clever Naomi Novik is at writing brain candy. That sort of writing doesn’t happen by accident.
Anyway, book 5 is more of the same, which I’m sure is what the fans want. The basic plot is that Napoleon invades England and the dragons save the day (no, that is NOT a spoiler). I’m not entirely convinced about Novik’s grasp of UK geography, and I still think that Marshall Ney and General Picton would make great additions to the cast. But really, I can’t complain, especially as it is clear that there will be more books.
Next stop Australia, where, coincidentally, the new Karen Traviss Wess’har novel is also set. That, I think, will exercise my brain cells rather more.