We Can Haz Cafe!

I have email from Alan Beatts of Borderlands Books. Planning permission for the cafe has been granted. Alan says:

The online petition was a great help and I really appreciate you doing it for us. The help and support we’ve received from the community has been just wonderful.

And many thanks from me as well, as I will enjoy using that cafe quite a lot. Well done, blogosphere!

One thought on “We Can Haz Cafe!

  1. Hi All,

    As Cheryl said, I’m so grateful for all your help and support. As several people commented, the Planning Commission didn’t know what hit them. I was in and out of the hearing in fifteen minutes. Now I have to wait about a month and a half to get permits from the building department and then I can start the construction.

    Since I don’t want to hex myself by setting a date, I’m not going to but keep an eye on our website http://www.borderlands-books.com for news as things progress.

    Thanks again,

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